27th Sunday (year B) (06.10.2024)
Welcome! We warmly welcome Fr Edward and Fr Slawomir as they join Fr Kris, our Parish Priest. We keep them in our prayers as they settle in and we wish the new team every success as they continue to take our growing Parish Community forward.
Prayers Requested. Please keep in your prayers Anne Ward and Consiglia Romano both of whom passed away recently. Requiem Masses will take place here at La Salette on 14th October at 1pm and 17th October at 10:30am respectively.
Parish Bazaar – Saturday 9th November. This event – a major fundraiser for our Parish – is now only 5 weeks away. WE URGENTLY NEED DONATIONS FOR MAIN RAFFLE PRIZES. PLEASE consider donating one of these by writing your name against the prize on the list in the porch. The raffle tickets will be available from this weekend. LUCKY SQUARE AVAILABLE FROM THIS WEEKEND. Cost of entry is £1 per square. First Prize: £50 / Second Prize: Wine. We are also asking for donations for the bazaar stalls. Donations of bottles of wine and spirits, chocolate, new toiletries, unwanted gifts, toys and games will all be appreciated. In particular, we would request new toiletries NEXT WEEKEND. Please bring your gifts to the Presbytery, or to the porch of the church at the weekends.
Secondary Schools Applications – Certificate of Practice. If you intend to apply for a secondary Catholic school for your child, it is imperative that you are registered as a parishioner. Please take note of the following guidelines: a) Fr Kris will be familiar with families who have been actively practising their faith by attending Sunday Mass. These families will be issued a Certificate of Catholic Practice. b) If you have not been practising your faith, please refrain from requesting a Certificate of Catholic Practice, as Fr Kris will be unable to provide this document. In such cases, you should apply directly to the Catholic school of your choice. c) For those applying to a non-Catholic school that requires evidence of religious practice, and you have been practising your faith, please arrange to see Fr Kris. However, if you have not been practising your faith, please apply directly to the non-Catholic school of your choice. Please be aware that Fr Kris will not provide additional references or documentation for parents who may appeal for a place at a non-Catholic school. Parents are requested to attend with their child on one of the following dates: Monday, 14th October, between 6:00pm and 8:00pm, or Wednesday, 16th October, between 5:00pm and 6:00pm, when Fr Kris will be issuing Certificates of Catholic Practice. It is important to bring your child’s Baptism certificate and First Holy Communion certificate.
Glow in the Dark Parties. Rainham St Helen’s Church Hall (RM13 9YU) is inviting children and young people this free alternative to Halloween on 31st October. Ages 5-11 between 5:00-6:30pm. (Parents required to accompany children) Ages 11-16 between 7:00-8:30pm. Please call Jay Lilley, Youth and school's worker, on 07584 750910 for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA Programme covers many aspects of Catholicism, including Scripture, Sacramental Life, Catholic Practice & traditions - leading to the possibility of being received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Anyone who may be interested in joining the programme should see Fr Kris for more information.
Offertory Collection. Please help us to minimise cash handling by setting up a standing order. Forms are available in the porch. Please also consider Gift Aiding your offering if you are a taxpayer. Non-Gift Aid donations can also be made using your contactless card on the machine in the porch.
REGISTERING AT THE PARISH: It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the Porch of the Church. Please complete and return to the Presbytery.
Please pray for the Sick members of our Parish, at home or in hospital: Theresa Anatole, David Kowalski, Sheila Miller, Harry O’Connor, Mary Ponting, Jean Shaw. May they feel the presence of the Lord with them at all times.
Visiting of the Sick. If you, or a member of your family, would like a visit, please let one of our priests know.