24th Sunday (year B) (15.09.2024)

Novena to Our Lady of La Salette. The Novena will continue this week at 8:30am Mass. We will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette at Masses next weekend.


David Ikeji RiP. Please pray for David Ikeji who has died recently after a short illness. We also pray for his wife Phinnah and her children. His funeral mass will take place on Saturday 28th at 2.00pm. May David rest in peace.


Farewell to Fr. Mariusz. On Saturday, October 5th at 6:00pm, there will be a farewell Mass, followed by a farewell reception in our parish hall. Since Sunday, September 29th will be the last Masses that Fr. Mariusz will celebrate before taking up his new position in Goodmayes, it will also be an opportunity to thank him and say goodbye.


Thanksgiving envelopes for Fr. Mariusz. On Sunday, September 22nd, there will be a second collection. This is an opportunity to contribute to a ‘farewell gift’ for Fr. Mariusz. (The ‘farewell gift’ will be a monetary contribution that Fr. Mariusz can use at his own discretion and according to his needs.) Special envelopes are available from this weekend. Please take one of the envelopes and use it. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket over the next two weeks or at the end of each Mass on the weekend of September 21st /22nd. On that weekend (21/22.09), after the Masses, there will also be people with baskets in the porch. Cash is preferred but, if necessary, a card machine will be available.


Parish Bazaar – Saturday 9th November. There will be a meeting THIS Monday at 7.00pmIf you are willing to help in any way, please try to attend. Meantime, we are asking for: donations for the main raffle prizes as listed in the porch. Please put your name and contact number against the relevant prize. Money prizes can be donated in part. Clean jam/honey jars with lids (please – no pickle jars). Can you please leave these in the porch. The Bazaar is a major fundraiser for our Parish and your support is much appreciated.


Parish Council. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 23rd September at 7pm.


Baptism Preparation. If you are thinking of having your child baptized in the near future, you need to attend a Baptism Preparation Class. Next baptism preparation will on Monday 30th September at 6:30pm in the meeting church. Please contact one of the priests to register for the baptism preparation. You must be a registered member of the parish, attend Sunday Mass regularly, and be known to the priest. Please bring the following: Proof that at least one parent is a Catholic, your Baptismal, Confirmation certificate; or a letter from the parish where you grew up, which confirms you are Catholic. If you live outside our parish you must get written permission from your parish priest to have your child baptized at La Salette.


Thanks for your time and effort. Our thanks to all of those who helped to clear and tidy the choir loft. You have made a positive difference to this space which contributes to many of our liturgies. Much appreciated!


All Saints Catholic School . The School has been rated as ‘Outstanding in all areas’ by Ofsted. An open evening will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024, for Year 7 admissions in September 2025. During the evening, visitors will have the opportunity to tour the school, meet staff and students, and experience the welcoming environment that sets All Saints apart. Parents can choose from one of three time slots: 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, or 6:30 pm. Booking is essential due to high demand and limited spaces. To reserve your place, please visit the website at: www.allsaintsschool.co.uk


Confirmation Programme 2024-25. For young people who are in year 10 or older, attending our church. You need to sign up for a qualifying interview with Fr. Kris in order to be accepted into the programme. When coming to the interview, certain requirements must be met. You can find more details on our website under the ‘Confirmation’ section or directly from the priest. Registration for the interviews has started. If you’re interested, sign up with Fr. Kris. 


Mary’s Meals. Back from holiday? Don’t forget that you can support Mary’s Meals by donating any left-over foreign currency!


Pilgrimage to Catholic York, 26th-27th October. Young Catholic Adults and the Traditional English Association of Catholic History are organising a pilgrimage to Catholic York, including a visit to St. Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine, the Bar Convent and St. Mary’s Bishophill – the oldest Church in York. The weekend is aimed at Young Catholic Adults and Catholics interested in history. Details of how to book this free weekend and for more information see: www.bookwhen.com/youngcatholicadults-yorkpilgrimage2024.


Youth Gather, Essex Outdoors, East Mersea, 26th – 27th October. For anyone in year 9 and above, join us for a weekend of speakers, workshops, prayer and more, alongside the opportunity to try high ropes, archery or climbing at the amazing Essex Outdoors in East Mersea. Applications are now open and you can apply and find all information at: www.bcys.net/events/youth-gather-2024/


Parish Renewal. On Saturday, 12th October the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Billericay will be hosting a day focusing on parish renewal with talks and workshops designed to help parishes transition from maintenance to mission. Bishop Alan will also be presiding at the Midday Mass. The day will last from 9.30am to 5pm and the cost is £20 per person. In order to attend you need to register in advance by following this link: https://divinerenovation.org/events/


Parish Registration. It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the porch of the Church. If you are new to the Parish, or have not previously registered, please complete a form and return it to the Presbytery.


Offertory Collection. Please help us to minimise cash handling by setting up a standing order. Forms are available in the porch. Please also consider Gift Aiding your offering if you are a taxpayer. Non-Gift Aid donations can also be made using your contactless card on the machine in the porch.


REGISTERING AT THE PARISH: It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the Porch of the Church. Please complete and return to the Presbytery.


Please pray for the Sick members of our Parish, at home or in hospital: Theresa Anatole, David Kowalski, Sheila Miller, Harry O’Connor, Mary Ponting, Jean Shaw. May they feel the presence of the Lord with them at all times.


Visiting of the Sick. If you, or a member of your family, would like a visit, please let one of our priests know. 
